Rosenbaum Pocket Vision Screener
Brand: Other
Rosenbaum Pocket Vision Screener is a double-sided pocket vision screener and is available through Marco Lombart, your trusted source for ophthalmic equipment and supplies.
Double-sided pocket vision screener. 6 3/8″ x 3 1/2″) Provides a screening test in a convenient pocket format. Each heavy duty card provides (20/800) distance equivalent tests to be performed in good light 14 inches from eyes.
- Have the patient wear their corrective lenses (if any), make sure the card is evenly illuminated, and instruct the patient to hold the test card 14″ away from their eyes. Corrective lenses are worn in order to determine the “best-corrected” visual acuity.
- Ask the patient to cover their left eye (the right eye is always examined first).
- Ask the patient to say each letter or read each word on the line of smallest characters that are legible on the card.
- Record the visual acuity for the right eye according to the accepted notation method.
- Repeat the process for the left eye and then with both eyes viewing the test card and record the visual acuity.
- Patient’s who cannot see the letters or numbers on the card should have their vision recorded as count fingers (e.g., CF at 5ft), hand motion (e.g., HM at 2 ft), light perception (LP), or no light perception (NLP).
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