Volk Capsulotomy Lens

Brand: Volk


The Volk Capsulotomy lens provides clear, high-magnification views of the posterior lens capsule.

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Experience crystal clear, high magnification views of the posterior lens capsule for clearing opacified lenticular tissue for post-cataract/secondary cataract YAG laser treatment. The superior optical design provides a tight focus of the laser spot for precise and safe laser application reducing the chance of pitting/damaging the IOL. The short lens body allows enhanced clearance between the laser and the patient’s eye for maneuverability.

Comes with single lens case. Please allow 6 weeks for delivery for lenses with engravings.

Volk Product ID: VCAPS


  • Clear, magnified views of the posterior lens capsule
  • Treatment of secondary cataracts/ post-cataract surgery management
  • Short lens body allows enhanced maneuverability
  • Laser Capsulotomy Procedures


 Image Magnification Laser Spot Magnification
1.57x 0.63x