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Advancing Eyecare™ Alliance. Learn More

Government Request

We are proud to participate with federal, state, and local government agencies. As an authorized dealer for top-of-the-line, high-quality ophthalmic equipment, we aim to provide the best value for all government agencies. Our dedicated team will help get you the products you need, supported with excellent service.

Contracting Information

Marco Lombart
GSA FSS Contract Number: 36F79722D0203

CAGE/NCAGE Code: 63381
DUNS Number: 097420376

Large Business
Federal Tax ID: 54-1117762


Marco Lombart
11825 Central Parkway
Jacksonville, Florida 32224

Contact us for more information.

Free shipping is only available for online orders in the continental United States.
Certain exclusions apply. 

Exclusions include, but are not limited, to the following products:

Acuity Systems & Projectors, Chair & Stand Accessories, Autorefractors, Lensmeters, Keratometers, Portable Slit Lamps, Stools, Tables, Tonometers, Trial Lens Sets.