Marco RT-700 (Pre-Owned)

Brand: Marco


The pre-owned Marco RT-700 LED Manual Refractor is a distinctive, industry-recognized design combining certified Marco quality with a proven internal Background Illuminator.

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Experience the exceptional design of the pre-owned Marco RT-700 LED Manual Refractor, renowned in the industry for its distinctive features. This refractor seamlessly integrates certified Marco quality with a reliable internal Background Illuminator, ensuring optimal performance. The manual refractor meets the needs of the traditional practice with continuously adjustable illumination for sphere, cylinder, and axis measurement. Fully synchronized axis/cross-cylinder, and white prism/cross cylinder scales aid function and visibility.

All pre-owned inventory from Marco Lombart is meticulously refurbished, tested, and re-calibrated by the factory-trained technicians at Enhanced Medical Services (EMS).  All pre-owned and demo products are subject to availability. Please contact us for details. Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.


  • Classic industry design that primary eye-care practitioners demand from a traditional refractor
  • Continuously adjustable LED illumination for sphere, cylinder, and axis measurements
  • White prism, accessory, and cross-cylinder scales provide easier recognition in dim lighting conditions
  • Fully-synchronized axis/cross-cylinder system
  • Functional ‘wing-grip’ design provides easier maneuverability


  • Sphere Power Range: +16.75 to –19.00 diopters
  • Step: 0.25 diopters
  • Cylinder Power Range: 0.00 to ±6.00 diopters 0.00 to ±8.00 diopters with additional lens of ±2.0 diopters)
  • Cylinder Axis 0 to 180º, 5º steps
  • Cross Cylinder ±.25 diopter, selectively synchronized with cylinder axis
  • Rotary Prisms 0∆ to 20∆ , 1∆ steps
  • Auxiliary Lens Dial (O) – Open aperture (two positions) (R) – Retinoscopic lens, +1.50D (P) – Polarizing lens 45º left eye, 135º right eye (WMV) White Maddox rod, vertical (RMV) Red Maddox rod, vertical (WMH) White Maddox rod, horizontal (RMH) Red Maddox rod, horizontal (RL) – red lens (GL) – green lens (+.12) – +0.12 sphere (PH) –Pin hole (10 l) or (6 U) – 10 base-in – left eye 6 base-up – right eye (Disassociating prisms) (±.50) – ±0.50 fixed cross cylinder (OC) – Occluder
  • PD Adjustment 48 – 75mm, 1mm steps
  • Convergence Adjustment Infinity to 400mm
  • Forehead Rest Adjustment 16mm
  • Vertex Distance 13.75mm from apex of cornea
  • Dimensions/Weight 13.54(L) x 3.78(W)x 12.01(H); approximately 9.79 lbs.
  • Standard Accessory Lenses ±0.25 Cross cylinder test lens +1.50 Retinoscopic lens
  • Transformer (Power Supply) Input: 120VAC 60Hz 12W Output: 9VDC 800mA
  • Standard Accessories Allen wrench, nearpoint card, nearpoint card holder, power transformer, accessory lens set, reading rod, face shields, dust cover, power cord tube, power cord clips
  • Optional Accessories Patient face shield with plano cover lens