Reichert XCEL 455 Slit Lamp (Pre-Owned)

Brand: Reichert


The used Xcel 455 Slit Lamp offers the performance, versatility, and exceptional value to meet the needs of the most discriminating operator.

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Lenses with high efficiency coatings provide bright, even illumination. A large field of view with high resolution and depth of focus offers an excellent stereo binocular view.

  • Traditional tower illumination design
  • High efficiency multilayer optical coatings for enhanced light transmission
  • Wide-field optics
  • 5 step magnification 6.5X, 10X, 16X, 25X, 40X
  • 12.5X magnification eyepieces
  • Slit inclination up to 20 degrees
  • Red Free, Heat Absorbing, Cobalt Blue, Neutral Density Filters
  • Halogen illumination
  • Smooth base movement and slit elevation with X Y Z joystick

All pre-owned inventory from Marco Lombart is meticulously refurbished, tested, and re-calibrated by the factory-trained technicians at Enhanced Medical Services (EMS).  All pre-owned and demo products are subject to availability. Please contact us for details. Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.