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Empowering Your Best PracticeSM
Advancing Eyecare™ Alliance. Learn More

Practice Assessments

Schedule a complimentary consultation to help you plan the optimal use of space and staff in your office, leading to an increase in efficiency and ROI for your practice.

Patient Flow Metrics

Tech Integration

Data Collection

Time Savings

ROI Measures Focus On:

  • Patient flow and capacity
  • Time saving opportunities throughout the patient visit
  • Technology utilization
  • Data collection and EMR integration
  • Reimbursement and revenue drivers
  • Staff efficiency potential

Efficiencies & ROI Metrics

Although you’ve probably always desired to achieve greater efficiencies and productivity in your practice, you may not have known where your practice ranks from an efficiency standard, or even how to measure the contributing elements. You are not alone.

Get a comprehensive assessment of your refractive diagnostic workups.

Contact Marco Lombart for a Practice Assessment

Free shipping is only available for online orders in the continental United States.
Certain exclusions apply. 

Exclusions include, but are not limited, to the following products:

Acuity Systems & Projectors, Chair & Stand Accessories, Autorefractors, Lensmeters, Keratometers, Portable Slit Lamps, Stools, Tables, Tonometers, Trial Lens Sets.